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5 Tips to Get Your Lawn Ready for Winter

Posted on: November 2nd, 2022

As the weather gets colder, you may be wondering how to best care for your lawn. After all, you want to make sure it stays green and healthy through the winter months! If you are caring for a lawn in a single-family home, you would be part of 67% of the landscaping projects in the country. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Remove All Debris

Getting rid of debris includes leaves, sticks, and any other organic matter that has accumulated on your lawn. If you let debris sit on your lawn over winter, it can lead to brown patches and kill the grass underneath. This will be the first thing you should do before moving on to the other steps.

2. Cut the Grass One Last Time

You may be tempted to let your lawn grow a bit longer in winter, but it’s actually best to give it one last trim. This will help prevent lawn diseases and make it easier to remove snow and ice in the winter.

3. Aerate and Overseed the Lawn

Aerating your lawn means making small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. This is especially important if your lawn is compacted. Overseeding means planting new grass seed in your lawn. This is a good way to fill in any bare spots or thinning areas. Doing this yourself may be tricky. Contacting the experts to aerate your lawn is always the best option.

4. Fertilize the Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn in winter helps the grass roots grow deep and strong. It will give your lawn a head start in the spring. Be sure to use a fertilizer that is specifically for winter lawn care. You don’t need to worry about trying to figure out this process alone. A professional lawn care service has special fertilizer that can help adjust the Ph levels and get it prepared for the colder months.

5. Protect the Lawn from Salt

If you live in an area where it snows, you may use salt to melt the ice on your driveway and sidewalks. Did you know that salt can damage your lawn? It can kill the grass and make it more difficult for new seeds to grow. Be sure to use salt sparingly around your lawn this winter.

As the weather gets colder, it’s important to start thinking about your lawn. By following these landscaping tips, you can help your grass stay green and healthy all winter long! If you’re looking for a trusted lawn care service, contact Watson’s Weed Control today.

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