(405)323-2000 (405)883-6177 Proudly Serving OKC & Surrounding Areas

Disease & Fungus

Watson’s Weed Control specialists can identify and properly treat for plant diseases and/or fungi that have invaded your bushes or trees.

Have you noticed spots that you have never seen before on your beautiful green foliage?  You may have discovered a plant disease or maybe even a fungus has invaded your yard or flowerbed.

It is important to get on top of these things as soon as you notice them to get them under control.  This may mean the difference between saving your plant, or having to replace it.  These diseases and fungus can spread and quickly depending on the environment. You don’t want to have to replace your whole flowerbed!

No matter what you find give us a call. We’ll get out to have a look and treat it with the best treatment for the problem.

Some examples of these plant disease include leaf spot, rusts, powdery mildews, spring dead spot, and dollar spot.

Plant leaf with rusty, spotted disease. Plant leaf with yellow, spotted disease.  Plant leaves with powdery mildew disease.

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